Though more than 100 people attend it each week, Wednesday Night Bible Study feels much smaller, as members freely participate in the textual discussion, some focusing on a translator’s rendering of a verse, others looking more at how that verse affects some aspect of their spiritual life. What does it mean for Jesus to be the I am. What does it mean for Jesus to be the light of the world John 13-21. What do we have to understand to recognize who Jesus really is John 1-12.
Wednesday bible study near me how to#
Our goal in Wednesday Night Bible Study is not simply to learn from the selected text but to learn how to study the Bible in our private devotions and apply it to our personal lives. What does it look like for God’s Kingdom to come to Earth The Resurrection of Jesus: Luke 24. We then launch into our study of the Word, asking three questions of the text: We are a place of acceptance, peace and joy to all who.

Our church stands as a beacon of hope in Everett. Find Precept groups near you that allow each person to discover Gods truth for themselves, but not by themselves, using the Precept Bible Study Method. We invite you to open your heart and allow His grace to penetrate into your soul. He gives a few announcements, reads the evening’s text, and prays. Faith Tabernacle Fellowship welcomes ALL individuals seeking God’s love, and keep our doors open to every soul seeking to welcome Jesus into their hearts. Held in our West Hall at 7pm, the pastor leading the study opens it with a brief reading from an insightful Christian book. Disciples of Jesus continually study, read scripture, and explore their. Are you interested in studying the Bible We have a weekly group Bible Study on Wednesday and Saturday mornings starting at. You can also change the distance for a wider result. Open Tuesday through to Friday, our community op shop is a great place to come and find a bargain or have a chat with our friendly volunteers. To search for a class, enter a City/Town or Zip/Postal Code. Members and visitors assemble for an inductive Bible study in which we think through a small passage of Scripture together. Church Near Me Kadina Come visit our church, bible study group or op shop.